Friday, July 19, 2013


I love doing new things although I must admit I am not good with my hands and not really creative. Not unless someone would show me how to do it.

When I arrived at Cynthia and Greg's house, Cynthia was at the middle of creating cards and recycled empty milk cans. I found them very nice and and seemed like easy to do and I asked her to show and guide me. The following day, we went to a special shop near their place and bought some materials for the crafts. 

I thought it would be difficult to make but when I looked at the internet, we could find so many great and simple ideas that even a beginner like me could come up with something nice.

So this afternoon while babysitting my grandchild Lena, I attempted to make one with an empty milk can. (Cynthia has lots of them and I intend to make more.) See picture on top.

It is really so easy. Once you have all the necessary materials and a little bit of patience, you can create something that is of your own choice and idea. And as for me,of course, it is so much fun when Lena would come to me and grab everything that she sees. She is such a naughty little angel! 

Yesterday, we went to IKEA and bought some stuff and I got one of the wooden white tiny frames. It was very simple and I thought of adding a little bit of colors and the tiny flowers would suit it. I came up with something different and it is much more beautiful with Léna's picture in it.

I am so amused and thrilled that I thought of not having wasted my time and I learned something today.

Cynthia gave me some ideas of creating cards, bookmarks and other things out of materials for recycling. And I think I will have a busy summer aside from babysitting and being with my family.

Like every one knows.....everyday is a learning day. No age limit to learn new things and it makes it fun and rewarding when you come up creating something simple, nice and new.

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